Unified Patents

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Data Scape abandons patent, terminating proceeding

On July 17, 2020, the Patent Trial and Appeal Board (PTAB) terminated proceedings in Unified Patents, LLC v. Data Scape Ltd. in view of Data Scape’s submission of the Federal Circuit decision invaliding U.S. Patent 7,720,929 patent claims and Data Scape’s submission of a disclaimer disclaiming the claims challenged in the IPR. The ‘929 patent, directed to controlling the transfer of digital files from one computing device to another, had been asserted against numerous companies including Amazon, Apple, Box, Citrix, Dell, Dropbox, F5 Networks, Spotify, Teradata, and Verizon. Data Scape Limited is a Fortress subsidiary and well-known NPE.

View Data Scape’s district court litigation. To read the petition and view the case record, see Unified's Portal.  Unified was represented by Larissa Bifano and Michael Van Handel at DLA Piper and in-house counsel, Roshan Mansinghani and Alyssa Holtslander, in this proceeding.