Unified Patents

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$2,000 for VDPP 2D/3D patent prior art

Unified Patents added a new PATROLL contest, with a $2,000 cash prize, seeking prior art on claim 1 of U.S. Patent 10,021,380, owned by VDPP, LLC, an NPE. This patent relates to a system named 3Deeps, designed to convert 2D (single image) motion pictures into a format that gives the visual effect of three dimensions when viewed through specialized glasses known as 3Deeps Filter Spectacles. The invention improves upon existing 3D viewing technologies by utilizing multiple layers of electronically controlled variable tint materials in constructing the spectacles' lenses for faster transition times. It has been asserted against over 50 companies including Amazon, Roku, Dell, Resideo, Mercedes-Benz, MediaTek, Lenovo, TP-Link, Qualcomm, and others.

The contest will expire on October 23, 2024. Please visit PATROLL for more information and to submit an entry for this contest.