$2,000 for Raymond Anthony Joao entity, Amadora Systems security patent prior art
Unified Patents added a new PATROLL contest, with a $2,000 cash prize, seeking prior art on claims 41 and 48 of U.S. Patent 11,922,429, owned by Amadora Systems LLC, an NPE and entity of Raymond Anthony Joao. The ‘429 patent relates relates to a transaction security apparatus that transmits a notification message to a communication device associated with an account holder of the account. The central processing computer provides for a retrieval, by the user or the operator via the display, of the information regarding the transaction and the photograph or the video clip of the individual involved in the transaction. It has been asserted against JP Morgan Chase, Bank Ozk, Frost Bank, Austin Bancorp, Regions Financial, Texas National Bank of Jacksonville, Bank of Texas, VeraBank, Truist Bank, and Texas Bank & Trust.
The contest will expire on October 10, 2024. Please visit PATROLL for more information and to submit an entry for this contest.