Wednesday, November 9, 2022
Santa Clara University Locatelli Center
Co-hosted by SCU High Tech Law Journal and Unified Patents
The 2022 Corporate IP Strategy Conference (CIPSC) will be co-hosted with the Santa Clara University High Tech Law Journal and held on Wednesday, November 9th. Our in-person event will start with lunch and keynote speaker, Lead Administrative Patent Judge at USPTO Patent Trial and Appeal Board, Hon. Kevin Turner.
Silver Sponsors
Lunch Sponsor
Lanyards Sponsor
Cocktail Reception Sponsor
Networking Break Sponsors
Post-Conference Dinner Sponsors
Nov 8th - 6:00 pm
Pre-conference Happy Hour & Dinner - Unified Members, Speakers, Sponsors, & Special Guests
Nov 9th - 11:30 am
11:45 am
Introduction / Welcome
Speakers: Kevin Jakel - CEO, Unified Patents & Janelle Barbier - Editor-in-Chief, SCU High Tech Law Journal
12:00 pm
New Tools for Patent Strategy
1:15 pm
Panel 1: U.S. Patent Litigation Strategy
Moderator: Jim Davis - Partner, Ropes & Gray
Speakers: Ken Carter - General Counsel & Corporate Secretary, Bitmovin
Nicholas Kim - Senior Attorney, Microsoft
2:15 pm
Networking Break
2:45 pm
Empirical SEP Strategies in District Court
Speaker: Brian Love - Associate Professor, Santa Clara University School of Law
3:00 pm
Panel 2: SEPs and Open Source Patent Strategy
Moderator: Joseph Matal - Partner, Haynes and Boone
Speakers: Keith Bergelt - CEO, Open Innovation Network
Christine Lam - Sr. Director, Product Legal and Chief IP Counsel, NetApp
Dan Lang - VP, Intellectual Property & Deputy General Counsel, Cisco
4:00 pm
How Will You ADAPT?
Speakers: Gail Su - Senior Counsel, Google
4:10 pm
Networking Break
4:30 pm
Panel 3: International Patent Strategy
Moderator: Dr. Susan Keston - Partner, European Patent Attorney, HGF Limited
Speakers: Julie Han - VP and Head of SV IP Office, Samsung
Albert von Keyserlingk - European Patent Attorney, Director, Infineon
Dr. Mark Kokes - Chief Licensing Officer & GM, Media IP Business, Adeia
5:30 pm
Cocktail Reception & Closing Remarks
Speaker: Jonathan Stroud - Chief IP Counsel, Unified Patents
6:00 pm
Dinner for all participants on SCU campus
Santa Clara University
Locatelli Student Activity Center
Adobe Lodge & Mission Gardens
500 El Camino Real Santa Clara, California 95053
Parking available at Lot F - Leavey Center Lot
Continuing Legal Education (CLE) credit is available for this event. Links to referenced materials are provided below:
Panel 1: U.S. Patent Litigation Strategy
Judge Alan Albright, Standing Order Governing Proceedings Patent Cases (April 2022).
Barry K. Shelton, Judge Albright’s Latest Changes to His Order Governing Procedures (2022).
Judge Alan Albright, Standing Order Regarding Notice of Readiness for Patent Cases (March 2022).
Panel 2: SEPs and Open Source Patent Strategy
Panel 3: International Patent Strategy