November 6, 2019
Santa Clara University Locatelli Center
Co-hosted by SCU High Tech Law Journal and Unified Patents
Join heads of IP from Facebook, Google, Sony, Twitter, Mozilla, Ecobee, NetApp, Uber, and over 40 other leading in-house attorneys to learn about the latest in IP issues. Keynote by Honorable Kevin Turner, Administrative Patent Judge at the PTAB, USPTO.
Complimentary Registration for a limited time, but seating is extremely limited.
Nov 5th - 5:00 pm
CLE Meeting & Happy Hour
6:30 pm - 8:00 pm
Pre-Conference Dinner (Unified members / Sponsors / Speakers / Special Guests)
Nov 6th - 8:30 am
Breakfast Reception
9:00 am
Speakers: Kevin Jakel - CEO, Unified Patents & Nayef Andrabi - Editor-in-Chief, SCU High Tech Law Journal
9:10 am
Keynote Speaker: IP & Innovation at the USPTO
Speaker: Honorable Kevin Turner - Administrative Patent Judge, USPTO
10:10 am
Networking Break
10:30 am
Tools to Help Make Your Job Easier
Speaker: Shawn Ambwani - Unified Patents, COO
10:50 am
11:45 am
1:00 pm
Panel 2: How to Innovate in Open Source
Moderator: Jaime Siegel - OIN, Global Director of Licensing
Talal Shamoon - Intertrust, CEO
Peter Toto - Sony SVP of IP
George Kanabe - McAfee, Head of IP
2:00 pm
Networking Break
2:30 pm
Patent Quality Initiative
Speakers: Jonathan Stroud - Unified Patents, Chief IP Counsel & Colleen Chien - Santa Clara University, Law Professor
3:00 pm
Panel 3: KPIs for IP in Emerging Companies
Moderator: Mark Selwyn - Partner, WilmerHale
Julian Moore - Twitter, Associate Director
Everitt Long - Ecobee, Director of IP
Diane Gabl Kratz - Seagate, Senior IP Counsel
4:00 pm
Networking Break
4:15 pm
Panel 4: Update from Inside the Beltway
Moderator: Jonathan Stroud - Chief IP Counsel, Unified Patents
Daniel Nazer - Mozilla, Senior IP Counsel
Robert Pechman - Seagate, Chief IP Counsel
Ken Korea - Samsung, SVP & Head of Silicon Valley IP Office
David Killough - Microsoft, Assistant General Counsel
Colleen Chien - Santa Clara University, Law Professor
5:15 pm
Closing Remarks & Cocktails
6:15 pm
Dinner for all participants on SCU campus
Santa Clara University
Paul L. Locatelli, S.J. Student Activities Center
500 El Camino Real Santa Clara, California 95053
Parking available at Lot F - Leavey Center Lot
Continuing Legal Education (CLE) credit is available for this event. Links to referenced materials are provided below:
Panel 1: SEPs & Patent Pools
Panel 2: Open Source & Innovation
Panel 3: KPIs for IP Management
Panel 4: Update from Inside the Beltway