Unified Patents

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Acacia entity, Monarch Networking Solutions, patent held invalid

On May 27, 2022, the Patent Trial and Appeal Board (PTAB) issued a final written decision in Unified Patents, LLC v. Monarch Networking Solutions LLC holding all of the challenged claims of U.S. Patent 7,756,507 unpatentable. Owned by Monarch Networking Solutions LLC, an NPE and an Acacia Research entity, the ‘507 patent is related to two-step authentication. The ‘507 patent was asserted against Cisco, Meraki, and Duo Security.

View district court litigations by Monarch Networking Solutions. To read the petition and view the case record, see Unified’s Portal. Unified is represented by John Baird, Patrick McPherson, and Paul Belnap of Duane Morris LLP, and by in-house counsel, Michelle Aspen and Roshan Mansinghani, in this proceeding.

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