Use AI to submit PATROLL Claim Charts for FREE

PATROLL contestants can now use Pearl, Unified Patents’ AI-based tool, to create invalidity claim charts faster and more efficiently than if they were creating them by hand. 

Pearl can use prior art from patents, standards documents, product descriptions, scientific literature, or non-patent literature, and maps these references, including the citations, to each patent limitation in a table format that can be exported into Word, PDF, Excel or CSV format. 

Going forward, PATROLL researchers will be required to submit invalidity charts that address every limitation of the challenged claim. This may require using more than one prior art reference.

PATROLL researchers are therefore strongly encouraged to use Pearl to generate claim charts. Each PATROLL researcher can generate up to 10 invalidity claim charts per month using Pearl. These charts can be downloaded then submitted to PATROLL.

Visit Unified’s website for more information on how to use Pearl. Visit our Help Center on how to become a PATROLL researcher.

$2,000 for Eric Zautner entity, Navog, GPS patent prior art

Unified Patents added a new PATROLL contest, with a $2,000 cash prize, seeking prior art on at least claim 1 of U.S. Patent 10,593,205, owned and asserted by Navog LLC, an NPE and entity of Eric Zautner. The '205 patent relates to a GPS monitoring and alarm system that would warn truckers, bus and RV drivers, approaching underpasses, bridges, viaducts, tunnels, and other structures of insufficient clearance for their vehicle. It has been asserted against Garmin, TeleType Co., and Sygic.

The contest will expire on March 31, 2025. Please visit PATROLL for more information and to submit an entry for this contest.

$5,000 awarded in first-ever Cloud-Native Heroes Challenge on PATROLL

Unified Patents and Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) are pleased to announce the winning prior art submissions in the first ever Cloud Native Heroes Challenge, a patent troll bounty program, in which prizes exceeding $5,000 were awarded to winners from 3 different continents. The results of this contest demonstrate the benefits of engaging open source developers and technologists with domain expertise in the fight against patent trolls.

This first challenge sought prior art that can be used to challenge U.S. Patent 11,695,823, owned and asserted by Edge Networking Systems LLC, an NPE and entity affiliated with Blue Wave IP, Inc. The challenged patent relates to a network architecture that facilitates secure and flexible programmability between a user device and across a network with full lifecycle management of services and infrastructure applications. The patent has been asserted against Microsoft and Amazon.

The 1st place winning prior art is U.S. Patent 9,489,647, which describes a system and method for a cloud computing abstraction, filed just a few months before the challenged patent. Like the challenged patent, it allows for the use of APIs.

Emídio de Paiva Neto and Chris Buccella tied for 2nd place for describing technology developed within OpenStack, an open-source cloud operating system that allows users to manage and build cloud computing platforms.

We would also like to thank the dozens of other high-quality submissions that were made on this patent. The ongoing contests are open to anyone and offer tens of thousands of dollars in rewards available for helping the industry to challenge NPE patents of questionable validity by finding and submitting prior art in the contests. Visit PATROLL today to learn more about how to participate.



CNCF launches Cloud-Native Heroes Challenge with Unified Patents

On November 13, 2024, the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) announced the Cloud Native Heroes Challenge at their KubeCon+CloudNativeCon North America 2024 conference. This challenge will be a series of crowdsourced prior art contests utilizing Unified Patents’ PATROLL website. To learn more, visit and read about the inaugural contest here.

PATROLL is the world’s first crowd-sourced prior art contest forum where Unified Patents puts a monetary bounty on PAE- and NPE-owned patents. We engage the general public to submit prior art to improve overall patent quality. All submissions are reviewed by Unified's legal team to identify winning prior art, and we provide the invalidity claim chart to the world on the PATROLL portal.

CNCF is co-hosting this program with Unified Patents, the Linux Foundation’s partner in patent troll deterrence since 2019. Unified Patents is the only organization that uses offensive community-driven strategies to deter patent trolls.

Find more information on CNCF and the inaugural challenge within the links below:

$2,000 awarded for Digimedia Tech TV programming patent prior art

Unified is pleased to announce PATROLL crowdsourcing contest winner, Nitish Jaswal, who was awarded $2,000 for his prior art submissions on U.S. Patent 7,065,778, owned and asserted by Digimedia Tech LLC, an NPE. The ‘778 patent relates to utilizing personalized video recorders and other similar types of devices to distribute television programming. It was asserted against WideOpenWest Finance and Midcontinent Communications.

We would also like to thank the dozens of other high-quality submissions that were made on this patent. The ongoing contests are open to anyone, and include tens of thousands of dollars in rewards available for helping the industry to challenge NPE patents of questionable validity by finding and submitting prior art in the contests. Visit PATROLL today to learn more about how to participate.