HPCF Litigation Finance

Litigation financier HPCF entity, Piranha, ad related patent challenge instituted

On December 13, 2024, two months after Unified filed an ex parte reexamination, the Central Reexamination Unit (CRU) granted Unified’s request, finding substantial new questions of patentability on all challenged claims of U.S. Patent 11,463,768, owned and asserted by Piranha Media Distribution, LLC, an NPE and entity funded by HPCF Litigation Finance US I LLC. The ‘768 patent relates to providing advertisements in digital media. It has been asserted against Hulu.

View district court litigations by Piranha Media Distribution. Unified is represented by Jon Bowser of Haynes Boone, and by in-house counsel, Jordan Rossen and Roshan Mansinghani, in this proceeding.

To view the reexamination request, visit Unified’s Portal: https://portal.unifiedpatents.com/exparte/90019699

HPCF entity, Piranha, ad related patent challenged

On October 11, 2024, Unified Patents filed an ex parte reexamination proceeding against U.S. Patent 11,463,768, owned and asserted by Piranha Media Distribution, LLC, an NPE and entity funded by HPCF Litigation Finance US I LLC. The ‘768 patent relates to providing advertisements in digital media. It has been asserted against Hulu.

View district court litigations by Piranha Media Distribution. Unified is represented by Jon Bowser of Haynes Boone, and by in-house counsel, Jordan Rossen and Roshan Mansinghani, in this proceeding.