
Unified Portal launches AI-based prior art searching for US patents

Unified is happy to announce a new feature to quickly find prior art on US patents with our Portal tool. Through a partnership with PQAI, a researcher will receive the most relevant prior-art results to determine the novelty and obviousness of the patent in question. Unified Portal offers three ways of searching for prior art:

In our patent detail page next to the patent title, there is a button labeled "Find Prior Art". Clicking this button will provide our user with a list of potential prior art patents to review. These results will be shown in Portal’s patent search page with its corresponding query string.

Reading through the patent within Portal’s patent detail page will also give our users an opportunity to search for prior art on a specific claim they would like to research further:

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The third way of searching for prior art within Portal is to search by natural language here:

If results are found, up to 10 results are produced to help researchers and inventors determine the novelty of their inventions. For more details or to ask questions, please email