UK Filing

First UK challenge filed by Unified against Velos Media

As part of Unified's ongoing efforts in its SEP Video Codec Zone, Unified filed its first UK challenge against EP 2 664 149, owned by Velos Media International Limited. The EP ‘149 patent is related to U.S. Patent 9,414,066, which Unified has also challenged in the U.S. (IPR2020-00352, instituted June 30, 2020). The EP ‘149 patent and its corresponding extended patent family is one of the largest families known to be owned by Velos. Velos claims to have and seeks to license patents allegedly essential to the HEVC / H.265 standard. EP’149 is directed to video decoding techniques and was originally assigned to Ericsson before being transferred to Velos.

Read the entire filing below. Unified is represented by Dr. Simon Q. Lud (European Patent Attorney) and Christopher Holtby (UK and European Patent Attorney) at Maiwald Intellectual Property, and by in-house counsel, Jessica L.A. Marks and Roshan Mansinghani.

EP 2 664 149 B1 UK petition by Jennifer M Gallagher on Scribd