RazDog web video control patent challenged

On February 25, 2025, Unified Patents filed an ex parte reexamination proceeding against U.S. Patent 10,334,068, owned and asserted by RazDog Holdings LLC. The ‘068 patent relates to providing users with interactive elements on a video player webpage. It is currently asserted against Twitch but has been asserted against Cook Brothers, Continental Salvage, and Cooling Equipment Services in the past.

View district court litigations by RazDog. Unified is represented by Nick Apel, Eric Buresh, and Caroline McCord of Erise IP, and by in-house counsel, Michelle Aspen and Kelly Hughes, in this proceeding.

Use AI to submit PATROLL Claim Charts for FREE

PATROLL contestants can now use Pearl, Unified Patents’ AI-based tool, to create invalidity claim charts faster and more efficiently than if they were creating them by hand. 

Pearl can use prior art from patents, standards documents, product descriptions, scientific literature, or non-patent literature, and maps these references, including the citations, to each patent limitation in a table format that can be exported into Word, PDF, Excel or CSV format. 

Going forward, PATROLL researchers will be required to submit invalidity charts that address every limitation of the challenged claim. This may require using more than one prior art reference.

PATROLL researchers are therefore strongly encouraged to use Pearl to generate claim charts. Each PATROLL researcher can generate up to 10 invalidity claim charts per month using Pearl. These charts can be downloaded then submitted to PATROLL.

Visit Unified’s website for more information on how to use Pearl. Visit our Help Center on how to become a PATROLL researcher.

MAF Holdings entity, Weple IP, streaming patent challenged

On February 14, 2025, Unified Patents filed an ex parte reexamination proceeding against U.S. Patent 11,734,739, owned and asserted by Weple IP Holdings LLC, an NPE and entity of MAF Holdings LLC. The ‘739 patent relates to a system and process for coordinating streaming content or messages. It has been asserted against Meta Platforms Inc.

View district court litigations by Weple IP. Unified is represented by in-house counsel, Jordan Rossen and TJ Murphy, in this proceeding.

$12,500 awarded for AutoConnect Holdings vehicle patents prior art

Unified is pleased to announce PATROLL crowdsourcing contest winners below totaling $12,500 in cash prizes. The patents are owned by AutoConnect Holdings LLC, an NPE. The patents generally relate to vehicle ecosystems. These patents have been asserted against Ford and Toyota.

We would also like to thank the dozens of other high-quality submissions that were made on these patents. The ongoing contests are open to anyone, and include tens of thousands of dollars in rewards available for helping the industry to challenge NPE patents of questionable validity by finding and submitting prior art in the contests. Visit PATROLL today to learn more about how to participate.

US 9020697 - Vehicle-based Multimode Discovery

Winner - Dinesh Swami

Winning Submissions: US 20070124045


US 9098367 - Self-configuring Vehicle Console Application Store

Winners - Calvin Zhong & Ekta Aswal

Winning Submissions: US 20210048945; US 20050216902


US 9123186 - Remote Control of Associated Vehicle Devices

Winner - Nisha Devi & Rama Krishna

Winning Submissions: US 8600581; US 9064101; US 20080245598


US 9140560 - In-cloud Connection for Car Multimedia

Winners - Mani Manikandan & Calvin Zhong

Winning Submissions: US 9532207; US 9916071; US 20020152264


US 9147296 - User Interaction and Automation

Winners - Calvin Zhong & Mani Manikandan

Winning Submissions: US 9532207; US 6584389; US 20080312796


US 9173100 - On Board Vehicle Network Security

Winning Submissions: US 9094386; US 8341298; US 20190020985


US 9290153 - Vehicle-based Multimode Discovery

Winner - Ekta Aswal

Winning Submissions: JP 2006005744; US 20080287064; US 10776103


US 11163931 - Personalized Vehicle Settings

Winning Submissions: US 9663067; US 9064101; US 20220036256


US 12039243 - User Profile Exchange via Vehicle-Supported Communications

Winners - Dinesh Swami & Nikko Quevada

Winning Submissions: US 6775603; US 20140303837; US 9663067


Ascend Innovations entity, Byteweavr, validation patent challenge instituted

On February 21, 2025, less than two months after Unified filed an ex parte reexamination, the Central Reexamination Unit (CRU) granted Unified’s request, finding substantial new questions of patentability on all challenged claims of U.S. Patent 6,862,488, owned and asserted by Byteweavr, LLC, an NPE and Ascend Innovations entity. The ‘488 patent relates to automated validation and workflow management. It has been asserted against Databricks and Cloudera.

View district court litigations by Byteweavr. Unified is represented by in-house counsel, Jordan Rossen and Michelle Aspen.

To view the reexamination request, visit Unified’s Portal: https://portal.unifiedpatents.com/exparte/90019801