Orange Book patents are published by the FDA in a report and are widely considered the most valuable patents (worth in some cases billions) since they protect FDA-approved pharmaceutical drugs from being made and sold by generic manufacturers.
A recent study by Tulip Mahaseth published in IPWatchdog compared the outcome of Orange Book patents involved in PTAB and District Court cases to similar ones from 2012 to March 2018. It also evaluated PTAB outcomes based on the type of petitioner and drug. Key findings of Orange Book patents included:
90% in PTAB were also in District Court (Link to all PTAB & District Court filings)
They were 400% more likely to survive the PTAB
Generics accounted for over 70% of all PTAB petitions (PTAB filings by Generics)
Cancer (12.4%) and Ophathalmologic (10.2%) drugs were the most challenged