Portal Communications, a Dominion Harbor sub, patent held unpatentable

On July 22, 2020, the Patent Trial and Appeal Board (PTAB) issued a final written decision in Unified Patents, LLC v. Portal Communications, LLC, holding all challenged claims of  U.S. Patent 7,376,645 unpatentable. The motion to amend was also denied with the Board finding the claim was obvious under both of the prior art grounds Unified presented. The ‘645 patent is owned and asserted by Portal Communications, LLC, a subsidiary of well-known NPE, Dominion Harbor. The ‘645 patent, directed to natural language processing techniques, had been asserted against SoundHound, Microsoft, and Apple.

Unified was represented by Ropes & Gray LLP and by in-house counsel, Jessica Marks, Roshan Mansinghani, and Ashraf Fawzy, in this proceeding. View all district court litigation involving the ‘645 patent here. To read the petition and view the entire case proceeding, see Unified’s Portal.