$2,000 Awarded for Terrestrial Comms '552 prior art

Unified is pleased to announce the PATROLL crowdsourcing contest winners, Rahul Vijh and Joonyoul Maeng, who split a cash prize of $2,000 for their prior art submissions for U.S. Patent 7,411,552. The '552 patent generally relates to a "variety of techniques to achieve the desired impedance matching so that there are more opportunities available to a designer, such as choice of geometry, size, or the like, to achieve the desired operating frequency without compromising the performance of the wireless communication device". The patent is owned by Terrestrial Comms, LLC, an entity associated with Texas monetization firm, IPValuation Partners, LLC. Terrestrial Comms had asserted this patent in U.S. district court against Best Buy, Perixx Computer, Acco Brands, and NEC.

To help the industry fight bad patents, we have published the winning prior art below.

We would also like to thank the dozens of other high-quality submissions that were made on this patent. The ongoing contests are open to anyone, and include tens of thousands of dollars in rewards available for helping the industry to challenge NPE patents of questionable validity by finding and submitting prior art in the contests. Visit PATROLL today to learn more about how to participate.


US 7,411,552 The '552 patent ("King") was filed on August 17, 2006 and has a priority date of July 18, 2000 due to a string of continuations. The invention relates to a wireless communication antenna. Claim 1 discloses an antenna with two ends, one being open, and the other being electrically connected to a ground plane.