$2,500 for VoiceAge EVS '073 Prior Art — Unified Patents

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$2,500 for VoiceAge EVS '073 Prior Art

On September 2, 2020, Unified Patents added a new PATROLL contest, with a $2,500 cash prize, seeking prior art on at least claims 31 and 36 of U.S. Patent 8,990,073. This patent is owned by VoiceAge EVS, LLC, which is associated with Fortress Investment Group LLC, an NPE. The '073 patent relates to concealment of frame erasure caused by frames of an encoded sound signal erased during transmission from an encoder to a decoder.

According to the complaint, these patents are essential to the EVS Standard. The ‘073 patent is currently being asserted against Apple, Lenovo, TCL, and HMD Global. View VoiceAge ‘073 district court litigation.

APEX STANDARDS has shared US and non-US prior art as well as corresponding claim charting against the patent.

Techson IP has provided its full validity-focused Limestone|Report, the full report link is here.

Amplified has provided a list of highly relevant invalidity search results for interested professionals to quickly begin search and analysis work. 

Traindex, a machine learning enabled search service, has provided an ordered list of most semantically similar patent documents where results are filtered to include only results with the publication date preceding that of the patent being challenged.

The contest will expire on October 31, 2020. Please visit PATROLL for more information and to submit an entry for this contest.