Unified Files Amicus Addressing Western District's Court Congestion, Refusal To Transfer — Unified Patents

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Unified Files Amicus Addressing Western District's Court Congestion, Refusal To Transfer

On May 24, 2021, Unified filed an amicus curiae brief with the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit in support of a mandamus petition related to a denial of transfer. The brief argues that the Western District judge's decision not to transfer a case brought by Koss Corp. ignored authority and the court's analysis amounted to an abuse of discretion by erroneously weighing or failing to credit the parties' representations, including party witness convenience.

Unified Patents is represented by in-house counsel Jonathan Stroud, and by Adam G. Unikowsky, Alexander J. Hadjis, Krystalyn Kinsel and Yusuf Esat of Jenner & Block LLP. Read the amicus brief below: