Another MicroPairing patent challenged

On January 4, 2022, Unified filed a petition for inter partes review (IPR) against U.S. Patent 7,178,049, owned by MicroParing Technologies LLC, an NPE. The '049 patent is generally directed to managing applications in a multi-processor system in a vehicle and was asserted against several car companies in 2021, including Mazda, Kia, Hyundai, Honda, Toyota, GM, Nissan, Mitsubishi, FCA, and Volvo.

View district court litigations by MicroPairing. To read the petition and view the case record, see Unified’s Portal. Unified is represented by Raghav Bajaj from Haynes and Boone and by in-house counsel, Alyssa Holtslander and Ashraf Fawzy.