On April 4, 2022, the USPTO issued a final rejection of all challenged claims at issue of U.S. Patent 9,390,435, owned by Aeritas LLC, an NPE. This rejection comes less than a year after Unified filed the request for ex parte reexamination in May 2021. The ‘435 patent relates to receiving notifications related to products or services of interest, at a mobile device based on the location of the mobile device and notification criteria, and then receiving additional information about the products or services or a purchase confirmation, at the mobile device in response to an input. The patent has been asserted in 21 litigations, including current assertions against Finnair Oyi and WestJet Airlines.
View district court litigations by Aeritas. Unified is represented by in-house counsel Alyssa Holtslander, Michelle Aspen, and Jung Hahm. To view any documents for the reexamination proceedings on Unified’s Portal, go to https://portal.unifiedpatents.com/exparte/90014750.