Unified's OPAL (Objective PAtent Landscape) report was designed to address asymmetries in the licensing of standard essential patents and to create a more fair and transparent patent licensing process around core patents supporting next waves of consumer technology growth.
The Wi-Fi 6 “OPAL” tool objectively scores the statistical essentiality of patent publications to Wi-Fi 6 functionality. It was created using a machine learning algorithm trained on a large set of expert reviewed Wi-Fi 6 patents. A short summary of OPAL’s methodology follows:
Universe of Patents Subject to Analysis - 3.6M+ applications and granted patents potentially relevant to Wi-Fi 6
Patents Evaluated Manually by Experts - 3,000+ unique families evaluated manually by technical experts at Scintillation Research
AI Training - Patents were vectorized using FastText, and a binary classification algorithm was trained to predict essentiality to the universe of patents
ML Performance - Training complied with accepted machine learning practices and the results achieved a high F-1 score of 0.99
Read more about Wi-Fi 6 OPAL’s report and methodology HERE. If you have any questions, please contact info@unifiedpatents.com.