Wi-Fi 6 improvements resulting in more litigation

In the first article of a two-part series posted on IPWatchdog, Samuel Baird, Director of Analytics at Unified Patents, and Craig Thompson, GM/COO for Unified Consulting, recently used OPEN’s IEEE and OPAL’s Wi-Fi 6 landscape to understand how 3GPP technologies have migrated in Wi-Fi 6. With these core technologies now embedded with Wi-Fi 6, this creates an SEP monetization target, which ultimately leads to more litigation. In addition, the recent changes to the IEEE’s IPR rules introduce more uncertainty about what is permitted to be used in assessing a RAND rate and remove some of the restrictions on licensors seeking injunctions. With more companies invested into Wi-Fi 6 and the rule change that has created uncertainty, this will only lead to more litigation.

In Part II, the research will look at how the IEEE’s recent IPR rule changes will affect the trends and technologies detailed in the first post.

Click HERE to read the entire article.