Blockchain Zone launches with support from COPA to deter Patent Trolls

We are pleased to announce that the Cryptocurrency Open Patent Alliance (COPA), a non-profit community of 20+ companies formed to help adoption of cryptocurrency through cross-licensing and encouraging, is now a member of Unified’s Transactions and Blockchain Zones.

With COPA’s support, Unified is launching the Blockchain Zone to target NPE/patent troll activity in related technologies. Several Unified members are also expanding membership to support the Blockchain Zone. Unified now will deter invalid NPE assertions in the Blockchain space through challenges, crowdsourcing (PATROLL) and publishing prior art, and obtaining no-money settlements from NPEs.

Unified has successfully challenged over 100 NPE patents that threatened electronic transactions, online bill payments, authentication, and other technologies in the Transactions ZoneCOPA is joining 300+ other companies committed to deterring the assertion of bad patents by non-practicing entities (NPEs). 

The full announcement can be found here: