MDSP Technologies navigation patent found invalid

On August 26, 2024, the Central Reexamination Unit (CRU) issued a notice of intent to issue a reexamination certificate cancelling all claims of U.S. Patent 9,239,376, owned and asserted by MDSP Technologies LLC. The ‘376 patent relates to determining the position and acceleration of a mobile device using doppler aided inertial navigation. It had been asserted against Google, Apple, Samsung, Garmin, and TomTom.

View district court litigations by MDSP Technologies. Unified was represented by Patrick Muldoon, John Baird, and Paul Belnap at Duane Morris and by in-house counsel, Jordan Rossen and Roshan Mansinghani, in this proceeding.

To view the reexamination request, visit Unified’s Portal: