IPVal entity, 5G IP Holdings, 5G patent found invalid

On September 5, 2024, the Central Reexamination Unit (CRU) entered a final rejection of all challenged claims of U.S. Patent 10,813,163, owned and asserted by 5G IP Holdings LLC, an NPE and IP Valuation Partners, LLC entity. The '163 patent generally relates to discontinuous reception (DRX) and utilizing slots within subframes to adapt DRX to function within the 5G frame structure. The patent is currently being asserted against Apple and had previously been asserted against Samsung.

View district court litigations by 5G IP Holdings. Unified was represented by Drew Sommer at Greenberg Traurig, and by in-house counsel, David Seastrunk and Jessica L.A. Marks, in this proceeding.

To view the reexamination request, visit Unified’s Portal: https://portal.unifiedpatents.com/exparte/90015277