Patcepta Kick-Off Call - January 26

Patcepta is a new open source rules engine for improving patent prosecution and management through automation. As the first of its kind, Patcepta’s goal is to provide an open, understandable, and auditable ruleset and toolkit for enabling more efficient and innovative processes and tools for managing IP portfolios.

Patcepta is hosted by Unified Patents and The Linux Foundation. Any interested party can join to help foster a new generation of IP management practices using open source software. The rules and code are open source which allows for worldwide collaboration and builds trust and confidence in those who use it.

Patcepta will hold a Kick-Off Call on January 26, 2023 at 1:30PM PST.

Invitation Details and Link Below:

Patcepta Kick Off Meeting Thursday, January 26 · 1:30 – 2:30pm