Wi-Fi 6

World’s 1st Wi-Fi Economic Report finds RAND royalty rate to be between $0.04 and $0.69

Unified Patents and The Brattle Group, a renowned group of economists and damages experts, announced its economic report on the reasonable and non-discriminatory (“RAND”) licensing value of patents essential to the Wi-Fi standard (“Standard Essential Patents” or “SEPs”). The full report is available exclusively to members of Unified Patents’ Wi-Fi Zone, which includes access to Unified’s ML-based objective patent landscaping analytics (“OPAL”) and indexed IEEE standardization technical submissions repository (“OPEN”).

Brattle calculated the range of reasonable and non-discriminatory (“RAND”) royalty rates for the universe of SEPs essential to implement the full capabilities of Wi-Fi, including up to Wi-Fi 6/6E, to be between $0.04 and $0.69. For the first time an economist calculated rates based on device capability requirements using downlink speed, latency, and a new power-saving capability implemented in Wi-Fi 6 called target wake time (“TWT”). Brattle concluded that Wi-Fi devices that utilize lesser capabilities should pay lower royalties, if any, because almost all SEPs necessary for those have expired.

Brattle calculated royalty rates on Wi-Fi using two independent observations. First, using court-established global RAND rates for Wi-Fi 4 (such as the 2013 Innovatio case) as a benchmark, taking into account incremental technological improvements in Wi-Fi 6/6E, declining production costs, current and evolving use case demands, and balanced bargaining theory, they concluded rates should be steadily declining. Second, a negotiated Wi-Fi 6/6E license between a licensor and a major hardware manufacturer. Both methods accounted for objective patent quality using court accepted measures such as adjusted patent forward citations. Unified’s OPAL analytics, which includes the world’s largest training set of manually evaluated Wi-Fi patents, was used to identify the individual SEPs in the landscape. In addition, Brattle calculated the stand-alone value of TWT.

For its report, Brattle interviewed industry participants and did independent research. It found Wi-Fi 4’s capabilities are sufficient for data-intensive use cases like video, gaming, and most virtual reality (“VR”). Brattle noted producer prices and consumer prices have been flat or falling for over a decade while computing and communications performance has improved by a factor of over 50 times.

The report is designed to be used for a top-down analysis of Wi-Fi RAND rates. Together with Unified’s OPAL analytics, the report can be used to calculate the RAND rate of any patent portfolio for Wi-Fi devices based on their capability requirements as well as for individual Wi-Fi capabilities. The report and OPAL provide Wi-Fi implementers a better understanding of the value of an asserted portfolio and enables them to make RAND counter offers in good faith. OPAL also enables the identification of individual patents in an asserted portfolio and provides a suite of quality metrics such as ML-based semantic similarity scoring and geographic and reputational value, forward citation, claim breadth, and statistical validity indexes.

The full report is available exclusively through Unified Patents. In addition to economic reports, Unified provides Objective Patent Landscapes (OPAL) for many standards, including Wi-Fi 6, with the world’s largest human evaluated training set, 3GPP LTE and 5G, HEVC, AVC, and others. Unified’s standard submission database, OPEN, allows users to access all contributions to major standards such as 3GPP, MPEG, IEEE, and IETF.

Download Unified Consulting’s Wi-Fi Economic Report slides presented at this year’s Corporate IP Strategy Conference in November.

2023 Corporate IP Strategy Conference was a success!

The 2023 Corporate IP Strategy Conference (CIPSC) was attended by over 200 IP professionals, attorneys, and consultants with several presentations and discussions on the most thought-provoking IP issues of our current times. Find the presentations below over Brattle Groups recently concluded Wi-Fi 6 expert economic report, the meteoric rise of litigation finance and exotic insurance products, Portal updates, and slides regarding international patent strategy topics.

Our next event will be the 12th Annual Patent Administrative Law Conference (PALC) on Wednesday, April 24, 2024, in Washington, DC. We will have more information soon!

Wi-Fi 6 improvements resulting in more litigation

In the first article of a two-part series posted on IPWatchdog, Samuel Baird, Director of Analytics at Unified Patents, and Craig Thompson, GM/COO for Unified Consulting, recently used OPEN’s IEEE and OPAL’s Wi-Fi 6 landscape to understand how 3GPP technologies have migrated in Wi-Fi 6. With these core technologies now embedded with Wi-Fi 6, this creates an SEP monetization target, which ultimately leads to more litigation. In addition, the recent changes to the IEEE’s IPR rules introduce more uncertainty about what is permitted to be used in assessing a RAND rate and remove some of the restrictions on licensors seeking injunctions. With more companies invested into Wi-Fi 6 and the rule change that has created uncertainty, this will only lead to more litigation.

In Part II, the research will look at how the IEEE’s recent IPR rule changes will affect the trends and technologies detailed in the first post.

Click HERE to read the entire article.

Wi-Fi SEP Zone launched by Unified

Unified Patents is happy to announce a new zone to deter patent abuse in the Standard Essential Patent (SEP) space through its newly launched Wi-Fi 6 Zone. This new Zone brings together a fast-growing network of members to address asymmetries in licensing Wi-Fi 6 standard essential patents and creates a fair and transparent patent licensing process around core patents supporting the next wave of consumer technology growth.

The current Wi-Fi patent landscape is complicated, to say the least. Sisvel’s launched Wi-Fi 6 pool, composed mostly of Huawei patents, constitutes less than 14% of the SEPs needed based on our OPAL Landscape tool at the time of posting.  Also, implementing Wi-Fi 6 requires licenses to Wi-Fi 1-5. However, only one common licensor exists between Sisvel’s Wi-Fi 1-5 and Wi-Fi 6 pools - Philips.

According to the Wi-Fi Alliance, Wi-Fi 6 will represent almost $265B, or nearly one-third, of Wi-Fi-Enabled GDP by 2025. Given these economic implications and the ubiquitous nature of Wi-Fi in our everyday lives, members need the tools and data necessary to negotiate FRAND licenses in good faith.

Zone members get access to Unified’s tools – the Wi-Fi landscaping (OPAL) tool and the standard submission (OPEN) tool. Unified has also commissioned an economic report (OVAL) to determine FRAND for Wi-Fi 6, due out Q2 2023.

Unified’s OPAL tool objectively scores the statistical essentiality of patent publications to Wi-Fi 6 functionality. Experts manually evaluated over three thousand patent families to create the AI training set and scored them all for statistical essentiality. Full-text search is available via patent, application number, family ID, filing date, etc.

Unified’s OPEN tool provides an indexed and full-text searchable repository of all 122,000 IEEE Wi-Fi submissions, including the 7000+ technical submissions to the Wi-Fi 6 working group.

Finally, Unified’s OVAL tool is a commissioned economic report to determine a Wi-Fi 6 FRAND. Using Innovatio, similar cases, and the likely changes in Wi-Fi 6 chip prices, the economic report will determine the incremental value of new Wi-Fi 6 applications and products. 

Unified Patents’ SEP Wi-Fi 6 zone provides members with the tools and data necessary for impactful FRAND negotiations and to deter invalid or unessential assertions.

World's Largest Wi-Fi 6 Training Set Used in First Ever AI-derived Landscape

Unified's OPAL (Objective PAtent Landscape) report was designed to address asymmetries in the licensing of standard essential patents and to create a more fair and transparent patent licensing process around core patents supporting next waves of consumer technology growth.

According to OPEN, Unified Patents’ IEEE standards submissions database, over 7,182 technical contributions have been submitted. These top 10 contributors account for 27% of all technical contributions.

The Wi-Fi 6 “OPAL” tool objectively scores the statistical essentiality of patent publications to Wi-Fi 6 functionality. It was created using a machine learning algorithm trained on a large set of expert reviewed Wi-Fi 6 patents. A short summary of OPAL’s methodology follows:

  • Universe of Patents Subject to Analysis - 3.6M+ applications and granted patents potentially relevant to Wi-Fi 6

  • Patents Evaluated Manually by Experts - 3,000+ unique families evaluated manually by technical experts at Scintillation Research

  • AI Training - Patents were vectorized using FastText, and a binary classification algorithm was trained to predict essentiality to the universe of patents

  • ML Performance - Training complied with accepted machine learning practices and the results achieved a high F-1 score of 0.99

Read more about Wi-Fi 6 OPAL’s report and methodology HERE. If you have any questions, please contact info@unifiedpatents.com.